AdVaes® Strat
Strategic studies

AdVaes' strategic studies enable you to understand the state and dynamics of complex markets, taking into account the many factors that affect them.As well as providing market data and an overview of the situation, they give you an overview of the strategies and approaches deployed.

AdVaes ESG Software Market English

Studies on ESG issues and sustainable IT

By providing short- and medium-term forecasts, AdVaes' strategic studies offer a neutral and independent view of possible developments, saving valuable time in the decision-making process. They help digital service providers, their customers, partners and investors to better:

  • Understand the uses of CIOs, CSOs and CXOs;
  • Appreciate key issues and trends;
  • Understand the dynamics of the software and IT services related market;
  • Identify main IT vendors involved in this market;
  • Plan for the short and medium term.

These are all invaluable decision-making tools for navigating markets that are under construction and/or undergoing strong growth, particularly given the expectations of stakeholders and the regulatory obligations that govern them.

AdVaes chooses the themes for its strategic studies by taking into account the demands and needs expressed within its ecosystem. For the period 2024-2026, 3 study themes have been selected:

  • The French ESG Software Market (environmental impact of IT and ESG reporting)
    Published in June 2024 (click here for the summary) | Update: June 2025, 2026
  • Application eco-design practices of software and IT service vendors
    Publication: March 2025 | Update: 2026
  • Circular economy in the IT sector: practices, issues, trends, key players
    Publication: September 2025 | Update: 2026

Each report is around sixty pages long. It is written in French and translated into English. The study is protected by copyright and may only be used internally by clients who have purchased it. By co-sponsoring the study, you can go further and exploit the rights of use, with online access via an AdVaes form, personalised with your company's name. Each study is accompanied by an Executive Overview of around twelve pages, also under copyright but distributed free of charge to customers.

Key results of each study are posted on AdVaes' social networks, to the press and via an e-mailing to CXOs active in its ecosystem, CIOs, CSR managers, institutional investors, etc.

A rigorous methodology

AdVaes draws on its expertise in the fields of digital, software and IT services, cloud computing, data management and digital sustainability to carry out its analyses in a neutral and rigorous manner.

The data used to carry out the analyses is collected on the basis of a multi-phase research process using AdVaes' own methodology, which is based on:

  • Analysis of IT vendor practices and offers (secondary research, third-party databases, AdVaes information service). Depending on the subject, these may include data centre operators, cloud providers, software vendors, hardware manufacturers, IT service vendors, telecoms operators, etc.;
  • Online surveys conducted by AdVaes with main IT vendors, as well as with CIOs and CXOs.

Market data regarding IT vendors analysed are based on a rigorous analysis of information available on the Web about them and on a survey of the main players.

Data relating to the valuation and size of the software and IT service markets analysed, as well as medium-term projections, are based on AdVaes methodology, taking into account a wide range of parameters (macro-economic, regulatory, revenues achieved by IT vendors, etc.).

The AdVaes® Strat value proposition

Commissioning or sponsoring an AdVaes strategic study gives your company the opportunity to position itself as an opinion leader on the subject, while benefiting from increased visibility with a high-level target audience. It also underlines your commitment to understanding the dynamics and main challenges. It's also about aligning your brand with excellence and foresight, affirming your role as a forerunner in your field.

Sponsorship is not just about brand recognition; it's about asserting your influence on the major trends in your sector. You benefit from privileged access to strategic information, which strengthens your positioning and credibility. By investing in these studies, you demonstrate your ability to anticipate tomorrow's trends and establish your authority by speaking directly to market leaders.

By supporting an AdVaes strategic study, you:

  • Strengthen your knowledge and adjust your strategy (market, solutions, sustainability, needs, expectations, growth, etc.);
  • Consolidate your decisions on future investments, and anticipate key issues and trends to reduce your risks;
  • Boost your actions by relying on neutral and independent strategic content;
  • Capture the attention of your ecosystem (customers/prospects, investors, stakeholders);
  • Use the report in a format that is easy to share with as many people as possible;
  • Use its key findings in other formats (video, webinar, infographic, keynote).

Starting price: €2,490 excluding VAT

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