Privacy and personal data processing policies

AdVaes makes every effort to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. This "Privacy Policy" is intended to inform you about how the company AdVaes, in the context of the provision of its various services, processes the personal information about you that it may collect through various channels, such as your navigation on the Site, your data entered in forms, your exchanges by e-mail.

By using the services of AdVaes, you accept the terms and conditions of its "Privacy Policy". If you do not agree with any of the provisions of this "Privacy Policy", please do not use its services.

We invite you to read the entire "Privacy Policy" of AdVaes. We are available to answer all your questions at the address ask[@], in relation to the exercise of your rights over your personal data described in Article 6 below.


Data Controller

The body responsible for the processing of your personal data is AdVaes SAS │ 56 rue Dombasle - 75015 Paris – France (hereinafter, "AdVaes" or "We"). The referent in charge of the processing of your data is Emmanuelle Olivié-Paul (ask[@]

Applicable Law

The "Privacy Policy" is governed by Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended and its implementing texts (hereinafter the "Data Protection Act", the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 adopted within the European Union ("GDPR"), Directive 2002/58 / EC of 12 July 2002 on privacy and electronic communications - hereinafter the "ePrivacy Directive", as well as any legislative and/or regulatory act of French or European law applicable in France likely to modify,  replace, or clarify these texts.

Links to Third Party Sites

Our Site may contain or use links to other websites, mobile applications, products, or services operated by third parties (including advertising sites, partners of our company or social networking sites). We remind you that the "Privacy Policy" does not extend to third parties over whom AdVaes has no control and for whom we cannot be held responsible. We encourage you to review the privacy policies, procedures, and practices of these third parties.

Privacy and Protection of Minors

Our services and benefits are not intended for minors and are exclusively reserved for persons over eighteen (18) years of age and having legal capacity. We do not collect or process, to the best of our knowledge, personal data relating to minors through our services. If we are informed of the processing of personal data of minors, we will take appropriate measures to permanently delete such data from our files.


The "Privacy Policy" applies to personal data that we may collect from or about you (as defined below), in compliance with the principle of "minimisation" of data (only those strictly necessary for processing) and from the following sources:

  • Navigation on the Site of the company AdVaes (when creating an online account, the use of a feature, the subscription to a service, the entry in a form, the consultation of content and resources available on the site...).
  • The receipt and delivery of letters and electronic messages between AdVaes and you.
  • The use of the online services of the company AdVaes.

When browsing the AdVaes website and/or entering data into printed and/or electronically available information collection forms, we ask you to provide contact information that helps to better qualify. However, the provision of this personal data is not mandatory to browse the site.

Depending on your use of AdVaes' resources, services and products and the purposes of your interactions with the Company, we may collect different types of personal information about you ("Personal Information "):

  • Contact data.
  • Data on the traffic and use of the website of the company AdVaes.

We monitor how you use our website, including any content that may be downloaded. AdVaes can rely on this data to identify product and service offerings relevant to your business. This control of the use of the site is not a profiling activity.


A cookie is a small piece of computer code that allows a website to identify its users. The AdVaes website uses cookies that are temporarily stored in your web browser. They are necessary to identify you as an authorized user when browsing the site and do not contain any personal information that you have provided on the site. They are not saved on your computer's hard drive and are deleted when you close your web browser. For users who would be registered to their online account, we use and store a compliance cookie that allows us to keep their choices of settings.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by using a corresponding setting in your browser software. We would point out, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions of the website to their full extent.

In addition to the IP address, other information regarding data retrieval, if any, will be recorded in the log file of the web server we use. This may include:

  • Operating system of the connecting computer.
  • Browser version of the connecting computer.
  • Name of the file or content retrieved from the website.
  • Date and time of retrieval.
  • Volume of data transferred.
  • Referrer URL.

The recorded data is only stored and used for statistical purposes and for the purpose of correcting errors. We cannot establish a personal reference from the data on a regular basis. IP addresses are stored for up to 7 days.


We collect and use your personal data in accordance with the principle of "minimization" of data and for the purposes described below, based on your use of AdVaes' services and your interactions with it:

  • Provision of the services of the company AdVaes to which you have subscribed and/or which you use.
  • Guarantee of proper functioning and security of our services and information systems, in relation to our subcontractors and potential partners.
  • Management of files and customer or prospect relations of the company AdVaes.
  • To satisfy the legitimate interests of AdVaes, such as, for example, to improve the quality of services rendered or to allow the company and/or its partners, unless you object, to inform you of its products and offers concerning its services and services or those of its partners.
  • Compliance with the law, regulations, requests, and legal orders applicable to the company AdVaes.


We do not sell, trade, rent or transfer your personal data without your consent, given after you have received prior information, except in the cases listed below:

Within the company AdVaes:

We may share your personal data with certain entities of the company inside or outside the European Union, to ensure the provision and continuity of our services, our relationship with our customers, prospects, or users of the website.

With third-party providers:

We may disclose your personal data to third parties, inside or outside the European Union, in the context of offers or joint provision of services or benefits, as well as to help us use our services and to operate the site; they can be customers, prospects or users of the site.

With third parties for legal reasons:

If AdVaes or other entities of the company are required to comply with laws and regulations and/or legal requests and ordinances or if the law allows it (e.g., protection of rights and defense of rights, threat to life, health, or safety…).

This type of data transfer to third parties will be done under and in compliance with applicable laws and within a contractual framework determining the conditions of intervention and security of third-party providers. These third parties must provide sufficient guarantees of confidentiality and security and take the necessary physical, organizational, and technical measures to protect and secure your personal data, in accordance with the legislation in force.

Regarding any transfers of your personal data with third-party providers outside the European Union, they are governed by the mechanisms validated by the European Commission and the competent authorities. If you would like a copy of the guarantees put in place during these transfers, please contact us at: ask[@]


AdVaes secures your personal data by implementing adequate physical, organizational, and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction, in accordance with applicable law.

These measures include storage on servers located in the European Union. Only our employees and subcontractors who must necessarily process your personal data in accordance with the purposes described in Article 3 above are entitled to access it under strict conditions of confidentiality and security.

Although AdVaes implements all measures to protect your personal data (including SSL – Secure Sockets Layer – 128-bit encryption technology, to protect personal information against loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction), we cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted to our website during its transit via the Internet by means of an unsecured protocol.


Your rights over your personal data are access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, opposition of processing, the right to withdraw your consent at any time and the right to portability.

In the cases provided for by applicable law, you may request access to your personal data held and processed by AdVaes, consult them, obtain a paper or electronic copy, and request their correction, updating or deletion. You can exercise these rights by sending a written request to the contacts mentioned in Article 9 - "Contact Us". We will endeavor to respond to your requests as soon as possible and under the conditions provided for by applicable law.

Objection. You may at any time request to stop receiving information or offers, either by writing to us at one of the addresses indicated in Article 9 "Contact Us", or by following the unsubscribe procedure described in the messages received. In some cases, exercising your right to object may result in a change in the way we provide our services, if your personal data is required as part of this process.

Portability. In the cases provided for by applicable law, you may also exercise your right to portability, by writing to us at the address indicated in Article 9 "Contact Us". We will endeavor to respond to your requests as soon as possible and under the conditions provided for by applicable law.

Erasure except in cases where the processing is implemented to meet a legal obligation.

Post-mortem data. Vous pouvez nous formuler des directives, à l’adresse figurant à l’article 9, concernant la conservation, l’effacement et la communication de vos données post-mortem.

Rectification. You can give us instructions, at the address set out in Article 9, regarding the storage, erasure, and communication of your post-mortem data.  

Complaint to a supervisory authority. Without prejudice to any other legal remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the European Union country in which you reside, work or in which you believe that a violation of your rights has been committed. For France, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés) at the following address: CNIL – Complaints Service 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 Tel: 01 53 73 22 22.


We keep your personal data only for the purposes set out in Article 3 and in the legitimate interest of the company, for a period in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions.

This data may also be kept after the execution of the contract, in intermediate archiving, in the legitimate interest of the company for the establishment of evidence in the event of litigation but within the limit of the applicable limitation period.

At the end of these periods, the data will either be deleted or anonymized for studies and/or statistics. It is also specified that the deletion or anonymization of data are irreversible operations and that AdVaes is no longer able to restore them.


AdVaes reserves the right to amend this "Privacy Policy" at any time. You will be notified in advance by posting a notice on the home page of the company's website. We encourage you to visit this page regularly to review changes and stay informed of the steps we are taking to protect your personal data. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to regularly visit our website to review any changes, including changes to the "Privacy Policy".


To exercise your rights or any questions relating to the "Privacy Policy", please contact us at the following e-mail address [@] or postal address: AdVaes | 56, rue Dombasle – 75015 Paris | France.

This "Privacy Policy" was last updated in September 2023.