You work for an IT company, and...


You need to adjust your offers and comply with regulations

Adapt and focus your offerings by drawing inspiration from the best-performing companies, and integrate extra-financial risks more effectively to create a solid, relevant strategy.

Mapping of the ESG approaches of the IT companies in your ecosystem, positioning them in relation to each other and identifying areas for improvement.

Materiality analysis, extra-financial risks, etc.

Identifying lower-risk partners

Anticipating changes through a regular monitoring, making informed decisions on investments and future strategy

Our solutions with our expert partners: strategic support, ESG/CSR report, online information service

Icône Echec
Icône Croissance

You want to promote your actions and engage your customers and prospects

Define your roadmap, build on your strengths using high added-value content, and capture attention to stand out from the crowd.

Identifying your ESG approaches and objectifying them with data

Analysis of your strengths, mapping

Publication of ESG, CSR or impact reports

Definition of roadmap, strategic analysis, market research (maturity, trends, strategic vision paper, white paper, etc.)

Our solutions: ESG/CSR report, positioning matrix, expert content, strategic advice

You are responding to a call for tenders or are in the prospecting phase

Fine-tune your sales pitch, emphasise your strengths to stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of success.

Access to the ESG indicators of your competitors and partners

Identifying their strengths and weaknesses

Identifying conversion drivers

Adapting your responses to ESG issues

Our solutions: online information service, database, positioning matrix, operational advice

Icône Partage
Icône Son

You want to develop your visibility and brand awareness

Adjust your positioning, adapt your operational marketing actions and focus your campaigns to maximise your success.

Access to ESG indicators from the ecosystem

Adjustment based on eco-design best practice

Adaptation through regular, targeted monitoring

Exploiting high value-added content

Our solutions: strategic study, barometer, company fact sheet, positioning matrix

You need to assess the environmental impact of your offers

Meet compliance demands, satisfy your customers' requirements and lay solid foundations for your business.

Measuring the environmental impact of digital infrastructures and/or services (inc. cloud computing)

Definition of roadmaps: assistance with strategic definition, objectives and methods, identification of indicators, etc.

Life cycle analysis (LCA), impact assessment

Our solutions with our expert partners: strategic advice, operational support, IT impact measurement and evaluation

Icône Planète 2
Icône Planète

You want to raise awareness through events and expert content

Raise awareness in a neutral way, enrich your presentations and engage your stakeholders in a sustainable approach for information technology.

Access to experts

Setting up content tailored to key messages

Various formats: keynote, round table moderation, interview, video, webinar, panel discussion, etc.

Our solutions: keynotes, speeches, moderation, expert opinions, case studies, etc.

Noise reduction

Focus on key information thanks to targeted monitoring

Time saving

-50% or more reduction in key data search time

High productivity

+50% or more improvement in research and access to key data

Data reliability

Use of data science and cross-validation mechanisms