Award | Bronze Trusted Third Party Medal awarded by Provigis

AdVaes receives the Bronze Sustainable Third Party Medal by the trusted organisation Provigis

Certificat Progivis

Bronze Trusted Third Party Award

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the "Médaille Tiers Responsable de Bronze" by the trustworthy organisation Provigis.

This medal attests to the compliance of the legal file (Art. D8222-5 of the French Labour Code) with the official company registration documents, the regularity of social security contribution obligations, and the fact that the employment of foreign workers outside the European Economic Area is not concealed.

A guarantee of credibility and confidence

It is a guarantee of credibility and trust for our customers and partners.

Informing, enlightening and monitoring responsible and sustainable digital issues means that we also have to apply the advice we give and the values we defend to ourselves.

This award is fully in line with our approach to improving our CSR and ESG commitments.

To find out more

➜ More information about our commitments:

➜ More information about Provigis :

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